The ARIADNE RI community is open to everyone in archaeology, particularly researchers. Individuals, organisations and projects are invited to participate in activities organised by the ARIADNE RI and to make use of the resources, services and data provided in the Portal and on this website. You can also sign up to receive our 3-monthly Newsletter which will keep you up to date with our work.

All members of the archaeology community are welcome to attend ARIADNE RI events, workshops and training workshops which are usually organised at major conferences such as CAA, EAA and CHNT but may also be in the form of webinars. We will advertise details of forthcoming events through the @ARIADNE_RI twitter feed, newsletter and on this website.

ARIADNE for Data Providers

Organisations who wish to actively participate by making their datasets available in the ARIADNE Catalogue can apply to join the in ARIADNE RI. In addition, there will be an initial cost involved towards the training and support required to prepare the data for the Catalogue. As an idea of what is required, the metadata must align with the ARIADNE Collections policy and includes the core variables covering What, Where, and When, as well as basic information such as Titles (often site names) and Descriptions, and other information. Normally, the format is XML but an Excel file may be used for very small data collections. Consequently, there is some work involved in the data preparation:

(a) What: We use the Getty Art and Architecture Thesaurus (AAT) as a common spine for all subject terms. Data providers must map their own subject vocabularies to the AAT, but we provide an online tool to assist this process.

(b) When: Unless absolute From and Until dates describing the temporal range for each resource are supplied, data providers must define these dates for all their period terms using the PeriodO service.

(c) Where: Data providers must supply geospatial information about their resources as point, lines or polygons, expressed as WGS84 coordinates (latitude and longitude).

Please contact us to find out more about making data available in the Portal.